This is a general guide of how to do common quests. Every event will have its own currency, mechanics, mini-game and strategies. The best way to do well in events is to prepare in advance to do quests quickly.
FOE events give event buildings which are like mini-great buildings. They usually have 7-12 levels.
Events also give special buildings and selection kits to level up older event buildings. Usually events are well worth doing.
Events will usually have a special currency that you get by logging in every day, completing quests and sometimes from incidents in your city.
Most events will have two strategies. Go after fully leveled event building or try to maximize a daily special prize.
If you are using a browser you can use FOE helper that automatically calculates which option in the event will get you farther towards the event prize or which option will maximize opportunity to get daily special.
Most events will allow you to hoard the event currency when you complete events and allow you to just play the event mini-game when there is a good daily prize. Some events will only allow you to collect a certain amount of currency and essentially punish you for hoarding.
I cannot emphasize this enough. Completing events, especially in early age cities is the best way to get good fast.
Event buildings will usually provide some combination of population, supplies, coin, goods, attack boost, attack defense boost or forge points. This allows players to remove housing, supply buildings, goods buildings etc from your city for better options like GB’s.
Hacks to complete quests fast:
There will be a specific guide for each event if this guild wants it. If not then just use the full quest list to find the ones that can be prepped. Those guides will include a “crib notes” portion. These are quest that can be prepared in advance to make things go quickly.
For example if you see, “4-1hr” that means quest 4 requires 1 hour productions.
If you see, “2 AD or 8hr” that means you will need to trade 2 items in the antique dealer or have 8 hour productions. Iron age cities do not have an antique dealer. EMA and higher cities will ignore the 8hr and just prep the AD with completed trades and leave them uncollected until the quest comes up. Iron age players will prep blacksmiths with 8 hour productions and leave them uncollected until the quest comes.
Production quest will be produce 4-20 4hr productions or give a specific number. The quests that give a range will depend on your city’s age.
Some quests will specify the number of productions which makes prepping easy.
Some quests will specify age. Be careful with this. I will specify this in the crib notes if you decide to use those. The options for the quest is your age or age below or any age. If no age is listed then just use blacksmiths.
Some quests will be produce x population. You don’t have to build housing and wait for it to complete. Build a military building and destroy it right away. Boom, instant population.
Produce x coins or supplies. Build more buildings and tear down if there are no supplies or coins to collect.
Produce x goods. Ok here’s the thing. Before an event starts we should all be putting trades in the market that are ticked as guild only. They will be circular trades.
Cloth 100 for Ebony 100
Ebony 100 for Cloth 100
Repeat as often as needed. Just use goods of the same age so whoever takes them ends up at the same spot they were in before.
Trades for goods one age up or down may just sit there depending on player stock. Personally I gave away almost all my goods below Industrial age so it would be hard for me to take trades that are not balanced.
Gain x happiness. Do not build culture buildings and wait for them to finish. Build decorations that take about 6 seconds, destroy, and build again. Or use a mass self-aid kit if you have not already.
Quests that ask for units. Many ways to complete this. Leave units uncollected from barracks, gov villa, bathhouse or traz is easiest. You also get units from GE and GbG. If the quest is just for units and not units of your age or age bellow then you can build spearfighter barracks and units in seconds. Just remember rogues don't count.