When you invest in other people’s GB the top 5 spots get a
reward when it is levelled.The Arc GB increases that return. A lv 80 Arc gives you a 90% bonus so a 100fp
return now returns you 190fp.
That’s the basis of 1.9 levelling. People with lv 80 Arcs take spots in your GB
without loss to them at 1.9 the return amount.
This drastically reduces the amount of FP required by the GB owner to
level it.
Your responsibility is to “secure” the spots before posting
in a 1.9 thread. If you are a PC player
there is an extension called “FoE helper”.
It’s safe to use and will do all the math for you. Mobile players have aps or sites that do
similar things but I cannot advise on any of that. You can also figure out the amounts manually
or ask your guild for help.
So here are the steps in order when posting:
Secure the spot (ask for help if you don't know how) then post the spot as follows
Post all remaining spots that need taking then add yours to the end.
Player Name GB name p5 p4 p3 p2 p1
Include amounts if you know the amount and only secure spots but list them from p5 to p1 or just the spots you want taken.
The reason is people will take the top spot first so it just makes it easier to take the farthest right spot and not edit within a line so....
Player Name GB name p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
The p1 spot has to be taken first so the person taking the spot now has to edit the line instead of just deleting the one spot on the right.
How to take 1.9 spots.
The order here is very important.
1) claim spot
2) add FP to spots you claimed
3) repost all remaining spots that need to be taken
Claim the spot you are taking first. This prevents two people adding to the same GB at the same time. Don't be the jerk player who's too cool for this step as you will cause problems that are easily prevented.
If you see something that looks like this
Player A Arc p5
Player B Traz p4 p3
And you plan to take p5 orf the arc and p3 of the traz you can post
That lets people know you are taking spots and they can wait a minute for you to post the remaining spots. What if you're already on that Traz and can't take p3? The person after you has to wait for you to finish taking spots. When you are done adding the FP then repost all the remaining spots.
Player B Traz p4
You can also post the above line instead of 53 or just post "clearing" but post something to indicate spots are being taken.
Lastly if a spot is not secure or it has been sniped just put a note beside the GB then clear it. There is no point in carrying forward unsecure or sniped spots.