Care Event 2024

 Name changing to "Care for Tomorrow Event" scheduled for June 13th to July 4 for Beta

embargo until June 8, 2024

The names and stats can all change as it leaves testing and enters Beta server but to give an example of where we are right now.

Main building is Eco Hub 7 levels, silver version is Eco Center, gold version is Eco Sanctum 

so 9 total levels

The main building at lv7 makes silver pieces.  The silver building makes gold so only focusing on the gold version as we will all have that in time.


Gold version in Titan age 
  • costs 19,500 population
  • gives 89,700 happiness 
  • 3% FP production (excludes GB's right now, this may change)
  • 39,000 medals
  • 145 FP
  • 215 next age goods
  • 30 next age units
  • 25 % chance of getting 28 fragments of Finish Special Production
  • 75% chance of 4 fragments of Earth's Guardians Selection Kit

Earth Guardians Selection kit gives an option of Earth's Eden or Green Guardians Market

Green Guardian Market 

Gold Event Pass

 at lv1

  •  3x3 no road required
  • cost 9000 population
  • gives 22,500 happiness
  • 20% red attack and defense
  • 30% red attack and defense GbG
  • 30% blue attack
  • 42% blue attack GE
  • 180,000 coins
  • 54 same age goods

At level 2  Name is now "Ascended Green Guardians Market"

  •  3x3 no road required
  • cost 9000 population
  • gives 45,000 happiness
  • 18% red attack QI
  • 40% red attack and defense
  • 60% red attack and defense GbG
  • 60% blue attack
  • 84% blue attack GE
  • 180,000 coins
  • 108 same age goods 
  • Will revert to Green Guardians Market after 10 days

The names and stats can all change as it leaves testing and enters Beta server but to give an example of where we are right now.

Earth's Eden

only available in Silver Event Pass

  •  3x3 (can't confirm if it needs a road or not)
  • costs 10,500 population
  • gives 26,250 happiness
  • 40% red attack
  • 44% red attack GbG
  • 30% blue attack and defense
  • 44% blue attack and defense GE
  • 105,000 supplies
  • 21 FP



Ascended Earth's Eden

In Titan Era and motivated

  • Costs 10,500 population
  • adds 52,500 happiness
  • 80% red attack
  • 88% red attack GbG
  • 21% blue attack QI quite the jump from the previous events 
  • 60% blue attack and defense
  • 88% blue attack and defense GE
  • 210,000 supplies
  • 42 FP
  • Will decay into Earth's Eden after 10 days

League reward buildings:

Evergreen Hover Express

exclusively a league reward


  • 2x3 no road required
  • 125% red attack
  • 140% red defense
  • 150% blue attack
  • 15% blue defense in QI
  • 120 FP
  • 150 same age goods
  • 5 Eco Hub Selection Kit fragments (150 required)
  • gives 30,000 population


  • 2x3 no road required
  • 150% red attack
  • 165% red defense
  • 175% blue attack
  • 20% blue defense in QI
  • 135 FP
  • 165 same age goods
  • 10 Eco Hub Selection Kit fragments (150 required)
  • gives 37,500 population


lv 3

  • 2x3 no road required
  • 175% red attack
  • 190% red defense
  • 200% blue attack
  • 25% blue defense in QI
  • 150 FP
  • 180 same age goods
  • 20 Eco Hub Selection Kit fragments (150 required)
  • gives 45,000 population

Ok so what's the event?  It's a merge game similar to the anniversary event.  Names and graphics are changed but if you know how to merge then you know this event.


This event features the return of the merge mechanic! When the event starts, you will gain access to a board full of fascinating pieces. Most of these pieces will be locked in place behind the glass. To break the glass and unlock the piece, you need a moveable matching piece of the same type and level.
To get the moveable piece, click on the Spawner button.This button will use Workers to spawn the piece. You can then use this newly spawned piece to "break the glass" and free up a locked piece of the same size and color. Doing so, you will also level up your piece and can use it to continue merging. Every new merge with a locked piece will also get you a small reward and Grand Prize progress. The higher the level of the piece, the bigger the reward!
 Note: pieces will get you different type rewards depending on their type. Check out the Cheat Sheet under the board to see which rewards you can get!
Each locked piece will also come with a key part: either a top part or a bottom part. Pay close attention to these when you are choosing which pieces to merge! If you merge two pieces with key parts, those parts will be combined into a full key. But remember - to make a full key you need to merge a top part and a bottom part, as well as matching the colors and sizes of the pieces.

 Feed the pieces with a full key into your Converter to remove the piece from the board and free up the key. Keys can be created on pieces of many sizes, but the bigger the piece, the more keys you will get for converting that piece! You can also receive one per day from Daily Challenges.

Event Currency:

  • You need leaf keys to open chests.  Get them from merging in converter and daily challenges.
  • Workers are collected from quests, incidents and spending diamonds.  These spawn new pieces on the board and reset board.
  • Algae Keys are needed to open valuable chests.  You get these from merging algae pieces with fully merged keys.
  • Ladybug keys are collected from putting ladybug pieces with fully merged keys into the converter.  (Can also get them from daily challenges).  Also used to open valuable chests.

Rival Challenges Currency:

  • Spawn pieces without spending any workers
  • Break down a higher-level piece into two lower level pieces.  Any key pieces or parts are retained on lower pieces.
  • Converts all pieces of the same family on the board into rainbow pieces.  Rainbow pieces can be merged with any other piece but their keys are NOT converted.

World Rewards:

 Unlock pieces on the board.  All 234 game worlds can plant 200,000 real world trees (900 per world) by meeting objectives.

Important Note:  There is world progress and individual progress.  

Global rewards: are unlocked when your world reaches a new level and you have completed the minimum amount to qualify.

Individual rewards: Can be collected every time you reach a milestone of 20 progress.

  **** Once you reach that 20 progress you have to collect or you will lose all additional progress.  Once you collect then the counter resets and your progress starts counting again.


All players will contribute to world progress.  In early Alpha this event was called "World 2024"

Every player will have to complete a minimum amount of tasks to claim the world prize.  Each task completed contributes to collective world progress.  Higher world levels unlock better rewards.

Orchard of Orange Dreams is the World Challenge Prize

  •  5x5 no road required
  • 250% red defense
  • 5% red and blue attack and defense for QI
  • 375% blue defense
  • 200 goods of same age
  • 125 FP
  • gives 87,500 population
  • gives 125,000 happiness


Four other decaying buildings will be introduced with this event but will not be exclusive to this event and the stats are still not final so will leave them blank.

Chrono Column 

2x2 buildings


  • expires after 10 days
  • 25% red and blue attack and defense QI
  • 250 QI action points on collection
  • 5% quantum supplies and coins increased production


  • just a +250 happiness building so store and plant when you have another upgrade

Wish Fountain Active 2x2


produces random chest that includes one of the following

  • 50 FP 
  • 200 previous era goods
  • fragments of event buildings there are too many to list but there's a lot of them
  • limit of 50 collections then degrades

Wish Fountain Inactive 2x2


  •  250 happiness