Rival Quest starting for live server Summer Event June 18, 2024


From what I understand Inno has heard your complaints about the production quests and there may be some changes before it goes live in a few days.  The quests below are accurate as of now and may change.


1 unveil 1 tile on board

2 contribute 100FP to GB

3 unveil 1 tile on board

4 win 5 battles without losing

5 complete 2 encounters by negotiating

6 unveil 1 tile on board

7 finish 8hr productions*** changed to 5 min production of same age

8 unveil 2 tiles on board

9 contribute 150FP to GB

10 unveil 2 tiles on board

11 win 10 battles without losing

12 unveil 2 tiles on board

13 complete 4 encounters by neg

14 unveil 2 tiles on board

15 finish 8hr prod  *** changed to 15 min production 15 times same age productions

16 open 1 shuffle on board

17 unveil 3 tiles on board

18 contribute 200FP to GB

19 unveil 3 tiles on board

20 win 15 battles without losing

21 complete 6 encounters by negotiating

22 unveil 3 tiles on board

23 finish 8hr productions 20 times  ****changed to 1hr same age production 20 times

24 unveil 3 tiles on board

25 unveil 2 tiles on board and contribute 250FP to GB

26 unveil 2 tiles on board and win 20 battles without losing

27 unveil 3 tiles and complete 8 encounters by negotiations

28 open two “show two” OR double payout  and finish 25 8hr production  **** changed to 4hr

29 unveil 2 tiles and contribute 300FP to GB

30 unveil 2 tiles and win 25 battles without losing

31 unveil 3 tiles and complete 10 encounters by negotiation

32 collect one golden dragon and finish 8hr production 30 times **** confirmed, no change

Since the game changed to needing GE 80 instead of GE 64 I don't recommend just rushing GE to auto-complete all the negotiations.  It's very costly and easy to burn your medals inventory.  Instead just do the negotiations.  I think it was 30 in total so just shy of completing GElv2.

Use your hood and PvP tower for the fight quests.  Using GE for the fight quests makes your negotiations harder.  Remember to use the extra turn boost in the tavern.