Strategy is simple.
On July 29 when you open your last board don't play it at all. When Rival starts you will need to use a lot of event currency so having that one extra board will make a big difference.
Rival 1
1 free 2 locked lv4 pieces
2 win 10 battles without losing
3 free 2 locked leaf pieces
4 finish 5 -1hr productions of any age
5 free 2 locked algae pieces
6 complete 6 encounters by negotiation
7 free 2 locked ladybug pieces
8 finish 5-1hr productions OF YOUR AGE
9 free 3 locked lv3 pieces
10 win 15 battles without losing
11 free 3 locked ladybug pieces
12 finish 10-4hr productions of any age
13 free 3 locked leaf pieces
14 complete 8 encounters by negotiating
15 free 3 locked algae pieces
16 finish 10-4hr productions OF YOUR AGE
17 free 5 locked lv2 pieces
18 win 20 battles without losing
19 free 5 locked algae pieces AND gain 2 algae keys
20 finish 15-8hr productions
21 free 5 locked ladybug pieces AND gain 2 ladybug keys
22 complete 10 encounters by negotiating
23 free 5 locked leaf pieces AND gain 2 leaf keys
24 finish 15-8hr productions OF YOUR AGE
25 free 7 locked lv1 pieces
26 win 25 battles without losing
27 free 7 locked leaf pieces AND gain 6 leaf pieces
28 finish 20-24hr productions
29 free 7 locked leaf pieces AND gain 6 algae keys
30 complete 16 encounters by negotiating
31 free 7 locked ladybug pieces AND gain 6 ladybug keys
32 finish 20-24hr productions OF YOUR AGE this gives 125 fragments of Orchard of Orange Dreams
I don't know about you but the first Rival is very underwhelming.
Rival 2 though is better.
Rival 2 August 6, 2024
1 pay 200 goods AND spend 100 FP on a GB
2 free 2 locked ladybug pieces AND gain 2 ladybug keys
3 win 15 battles without losing AND recruit 10 units from your age
4 free 2 locked lv 4 pieces AND finish 5-8hr productions of any age
5 free 2 locked leaf pieces AND gain 2 leaf keys
6 complete 8 encounters by negotiating AND buy 3 FP
7 free 2 locked algae pieces AND gain 2 algae keys
8 free 2 locked lv4 pieces AND finish 10-8hr productions OF YOUR AGE
9 spend 200 FP on GB AND recruit 20 units from your age
10 free 4 locked algae pieces AND gain 2 algae keys
11 win 20 battles without losing AND pay 400 goods
12 free 4 locked lv3 pieces AND finish 15-8hr productions of any age
13 free 4 locked ladybug pieces AND gain 2 ladybug keys
14 complete 10 encounters by negotiating AND buy 5 FP
15 free 4 locked leaf pieces AND gain 2 leaf keys
16 free 4 locked lv3 pieces AND finish 20-8hr productions OF YOUR AGE
17 buy 5 FP AND recruit 40 units of your age
18 free 6 locked leaf pieces AND gain 6 algae keys
19 win 25 battles without losing AND spend 300 FP on a GB
20 free 6 locked lv2 pieces AND 25 8hr productions of any age
21 free 6 locked algae pieces AND gain 6 ladybug keys
22 complete 14 encounters by negotiating AND pay 600 goods
23 free 6 locked ladybug pieces AND gain 6 leaf keys
24 free 6 locked ladybug pieces AND finish 30-8hr productions OF YOUR AGE
25 pay 800 goods AND buy 10 FP
26 free 8 locked ladybug pieces AND gain 12 algae keys
27 win 30 battles without losing AND recruit 50 units from your age
28 free 8 locked lv1 pieces AND finish 35-24hr productions of any age
29 free 8 locked lv1 pieces AND gain 12 ladybug keys
30 complete 18 encounters by negotiation AND spend 400 FP on a GB
31 free 8 locked algae pieces AND gain 12 leaf pieces
32 free 8 locked lv1 pieces AND finish 40-24hr productions OF YOUR AGE gives 250 fragments of Orchard of Orange Dreams and an event building that makes selection kits for Aegean Resort. That's the real prize of this rival quest.