There will be two Rivals in this event. Here is the first one.
1 use wooden spoon
2 pop 10 orange deserts or red deserts in level AND complete
6 encounters by negotiating
3 use 1 fork AND 1hr productions 18 times
4 collect 2 orange or red jars with 2 stars AND defeat 15
5 use 1 spatula booster AND buy 5 FP
6 pop 10 white or green AND win 10 battles
7 collect 3 white or green jars with 3 stars AND spend 100
8 collect to cups
9 spend 1 wooden spoon AND solve moderate negotiation
10 pop 10 green or orange
11 use 2 forks
12 collect 4 green or orange jars with 4 stars AND buy 10 FP
13 use 1 rolling pin AND negotiate 8 encounters
14 pop 15 orange or red AND spend 200 FP
15 collect 3 cups
16 collect 2 orange or red jars with 5 star
17 spend 2 wooden spoons
18 pop 20 white or green AND win 15 battles without losing
19 use 3 fork AND negotiate 10 encounters
20 collect 4 cups AND defeat 22 units AND solve complex
21 use 1 spatula AND finish 8hr production of any age 15
22 pop 20 green or orange
AND buy 20 FP
23 collect 3 whit or green jars with 5 stars AND solve complex
24 collect 5 fall cups AND spend 300 FP this gets you the Ascendant
harvest hub upgrade
25 spend 2 wooden spoons AND win 20 battles without losing
26 pop 25 orange or red AND negotiate 16
27 use fork 4 times AND 24hr productions of any age 25 times
28 3 green or orange jars with 6 stars AND buy 25 FP
29 use 1 rolling pin AND solve very complex negotiation
30 pop 30 white or green AND spend 400 FP get improved
orchard bliss selection kit which gives choice of Exquisite Cider Garden or
Granny Aurora’s Apple Blossom. Get the
Granny because it makes fragments for the exquisite cider garden.
31 collect 6 fall cups AND defeat very large army to get a
harvest hub
32 when moves run out in a level use extra moves 2 times AND
win 25 battles without losing. Get an
ascended Harvest Hub Upgrade Kit
For completing the Rival you get Pristine Sunflower Oil
Press Platinum Upgrade kit.