Space Hub is almost here so time to consolidate what we know. ***confirm launch Sept 4 on Beta

 old posts can be found (fighting units) and (buildings) if you want to see some of the changes and how we got to pre-Beta launch.

So a brief summary.  

Inno wants all players to move to the most current age and has taken a novel approach with the newest age to incentivize players to age up.  

The GB's can only be advanced past lv 10 with special goods of this age which cannot be traded.  (Still waiting on that confirmation but as of Aug 4, 2024 that is the plan.)

So campers of earlier ages can no long beg for goods ask for one-sided trades to build the new GB's.

Now the good news for campers is only two of the three GB's will be released upon the launch of this age and the third which by any measure would have been the most popular due to the QI bonuses may not come at all.

The Stellar Warship GB 
  • 5x3
  • gives units (2 units per level after lv 10)
  • gives red and blue fight stat boost (5% per level after 10 and has a cap of 200)
  • no cap to unit boost
  • the fight boost cap may also be removed at launch
  • will require SASH goods and supplies instead of special goods
  • Cost to build lv1 is 5k of each SASH good

The Cosmic Catalyst
provides critical hit chance 10% lv 10  (0.16% per level after lv 10 with cap of 25% at lv 100)
guild goods (5 per level after lv 10 with no cap)
May require SASH special goods to level past lv 10  
**confirmed Aug 24, 2024 that it will require special good (dark matter) to upgrade
cost to build lv1 3.5k of each SASH good

This "Red Galaxy" GB may be shelved temporarily or not used at all

As of today the final boosts are still not known but the Traz-ish and AO-ish GB's with hard caps are underwhelming considering the costs to upgrade.  Let's hope they get a nice boost before launch.

   Your colony is going to change

Most player in Titan have a colony that includes 11 goods buildings and no life support (happiness) well that's about to change.  Life support in the colony is going to become important because if green there is a % chance of goods buildings in the colony producing 4x special goods AND a % chance of getting extra special goods from exploration sites.  Life support may require special goods to build.  No roads required in colony.

Units and fighting

can use the old link from July to see the changes


Long Range – Dream Dust Blaster

  • 10 hp
  • 24 range
  • Initiative 17
  • 12 movement points
  • Base damage 1,000
  • Base armor 900
  • Bonus vs light and heavy melee
  • Power Shot has been removed
  • ****Power Shot is back as of Aug 4, 2023


Short range – gravity gunner

  • 10 hp
  • Initiative 17
  • 12 movement points
  • Base damage 850
  • Base armor 1,000
  • Bonus vs. light melee and long ranged
  • Contact has been removed
  • ****Contact is back as of Aug 4, 2023


Fast – stardust sentinel

  • 10 hp
  • Initiative 27
  • 22 movement points
  • Base damage 800
  • Base armor 1050
  • Bonus vs. short ranged and long ranged
  • considered a "flying" unit


Heavy melee – galactic juggernaut

  • 10 hp
  • Initiative 16
  • 11 movement points
  • Base damage 850
  • Base armor 1150
  • Bonus vs. fast and short ranged
  • has force field


Light melee – cosmic blade master

  • 10 hp
  • initiative 17
  • 12 movement points
  • Base damage 900
  • Base armor 950
  • Bonus vs. heavy melee and fast
  • ****Stealth added as of Aug 4, 2023
Champion will have both chivalry and call of duty

What's the go-to fighting unit then?  Easy Dream Dust Blaster

Power shot ignores all other defensive skills or terrain except for force field that Heavy melee – galactic juggernaut uses.  But even with force field those units will still take damage.  The range and move order of Long Range – Dream Dust Blaster x 8 or x2 with 6 rogues if facing Fast – stardust sentinel which are first in the move order are the easy go-to unit.