Spreadsheet with all buildings and GB's in the game as of August 1, 2024

Link to spreadsheet here

If you want to skip the blah, blah just click the link to get the spread sheet.

New from last post is 

Glimmdrake Tower lv1
Glimmdrake Tower lv2
The Neo King lv1
The Neo King lv2
The Neo Queen lv1
The Neo Queen lv2

These are the new GbG towers and new QI reward buildings.  These are found at the bottom of the first spread sheet and will remain there until they are on live server.  It's just easier to make changes if they do change between Beta and Live.  Sometimes, as you know Inno changes things AFTER they go live and that's much larger pain in the butt.  

We've also added columns to the right of sort tables that have been requested.

Ok why does this exist?  The answer is simple.  It's too freaking hard to keep track of all these new event buildings and then the buildings that the new ones make and the upgrades to the old buildings.  How do you know what's good anymore?

Well why not get all the information from Inno directly?  Well good question.  Just for fun try to find accurate information on the Summer Event 2024.  To save you some time here is their official linkhttps://support.innogames.com/kb/ForgeOfEmpires/en_DK/3690/Summer-Event-2024-Rewards

Nice cat but I want accurate actionable information and that isn't it.  What about the Wiki?  Well the unpaid volunteers are doing the lord's work for free but it takes a lot to keep up a wiki and they have fallen way behind.  No shade on the people there but it's not what it used to be.  Again, they're unpaid volunteers and no shade on them at all.  

Didn't Mooningcat have a spreadsheet?  Yes he does and it's very pretty.  It also gives you information to make it easier to compare buildings in different ages so it makes it easy to see what you should or shouldn't age up.  It's also very much out of date.  There are also key elements missing like the specialty stats of attack for GE for example.  Again no shade on him he does great work and has a life.  I'm hoping he's enjoying that life but we still need information so thus this spreadsheet exists.

So what is it?  It's every event building and GB in the game.  Well mostly.  I'm sure some older buildings were missed and I didn't include the oracle GB.  If that's important to you you can download the spreadsheet and edit it however you want.

There are two spreadsheets.

The first is all the buildings listed alphabetically to make them easy to find if you just want information on it.  You can also use the search function.

The second is sorted to try to provide objective value per tile.  More on this later.

The goal is to make it easier to decide on what to place or remove from your city.  All buildings are assumed to be aided/buffed and in Titan Age.

Ok so the first spread sheet lists the building, the level, does it require a road, size/shape, total tiles including roads, red attack, red attack for GE, red attack for GbG, red attack for QI, red attack def, red attack def for GE, red attack def for GbG, red attack def for QI, all the blue stats for the same things, then FP, Goods, (value of building per tile), population it gives or needs and happiness it gives or needs.

So let's go through all that.

Building name is straight forward

Level is the max level you can build without a special upgrade.  So for example Airship has a max 11 levels so we're showing the stats for that level.

Aegean resort has 9 levels so we show that.  The Aegean Couples Resort is the 10th level but you need a special upgrade for that level so they are listed separately.  If a building at max level makes it's own silver level upgrade which in turn makes it's own golden level upgrade then only the golden level will be listed like the Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid.  Why?  Because what's the point of listing the level 7 and having a million lines on this spreadsheet.  If you have lv10 then you'll get lv 12 eventually so just compare that.

The other reason level was included was so you can look at your inventory and see if you have enough selection kits to make a fully-leveled building without having to then search the building to see how many levels it needs.

The GB's listed are mostly lv100 but where information was not available for lv100 like the Capitol I listed the level used.

Size is simply there to make it easier to plan what to remove or place without looking up the shape of a building.

Total Tiles this number is all the tiles to place the building plus the road connection assuming you are very efficient and have buildings on both sides of the road.  So an Apex Grove Sanctuary is 4x6=24 tiles.  Assuming a road runs on the shortest side touching the 4 tiles then you add 2 roads to that giving 26 tiles including roads.  If you organize your city using steps instead of straight lines then it may only be 1 road terminating on your building so it's even more efficient.

Fight boosts:

Very straight forward.  Some buildings give normal red attack or red attack defense.  Some give additional bonuses in GE or GbG or QI so they're all listed here for red and blue stats.  More on this when discussing the second spreadsheet.

FP factors in the variable amount some buildings give in packs.  So if it gives 50% chance of small pack, 30% chance of medium pack and 20% chance of large pack that 4.5 FP/day added to whatever it gives normally.  

Goods is all goods of any age not including guild goods.

Value is what the second spreadsheet is sorted by.  It takes the situational boosts of GE and GbG combined and divided by half then divided by total tiles including roads as one value.  Then it takes all the other red and blue boosts not included in the situational value, combines them with FP and goods and divides all that by total tiles including roads.  Then combines those two numbers to give the total value of that building per tile including roads.

What's not included?  Coin, supply, population, happiness, special production like one up kits etc., selection kits and fragments, special boosts like the forgotten temple 20% FP boost.  Some GB's like ToR give rewards that are more difficult to quantify.  Sure you can take SC, HC, ToR for example and average out how many FP's and goods you'll get but what about the other stuff?  How do you quantify The Arc?

Is it perfect?  Hell no.  But it doesn't ignore the situational values of a Earth's Eden for example.  Why include the QI bonus with the regular fight boosts as it is also situational?  QI boost are far more scarce than any of the other fight boosts.  In order to accurately reflect the value of QI boost when determining what to place in your city you would have to multiply that number by a factor of your choosing.  Really if someone values QI boost then the overall building value won't matter as it will be placed anyways.

Same applies for coin and supply.  If someone is camping for a long time these rewards are a non-factor with some exceptions.  A player in Iron Age with a Hydra will by dying for coins.  A player aging up from Progressive to Future will need a lot of supplies.  These situational needs are not the norm for most players and if you find yourself in this situation then just use the top spreadsheet and evaluate for yourself what's important.  In fact that's good advice for all players.  Use the raw data and make your own value column.  If for example you want to create a value that doesn't include blue stats at all and gives FP 4x the value of goods you can do that.

Lastly population and happiness have been excluded from the total value column for a very simple reason.  How would you put a number on it?  Future editions of this spreadsheet will most likely include population if not both because of all the buildings that demand population.  You will see players looking at a cluster of buildings instead of just one at a time when deciding what to place.  So if one building gives 45k population and two others combined cost 45k population then consider the three buildings as a cluster.  Anyways for now the data is there so you can use it if you want to see how to get population up by adding or removing certain buildings.

Last columns are population, happiness and building name or important note about that building instead like the Eco Sanctum gives 3% FP bonus.

The second spreadsheet is exactly like the first but it now has all the buildings sorted by the "value" described above.

The purpose of this second sheet is to help people who agree with the value column criteria easily see what's good or not good.  So you can decide what daily special to go for in an event.  Or you can look at the new event buildings and decide what is and it's worth spending diamonds on.  You can download the sheet and just highlight what you have in your city so see what's the first to go when you remodel again or what do you have in inventory that's better than what's already in your city.

We're all going to value things differently so we don't have to debate what I find valuable compared to what you do.

Lastly, the numbers will change by age so if you're in a lower age than Titan or you're looking at this when you're in SASH the numbers will be different but the objective comparison is still valid.  So when comparing an Eagle Mountain and lv10 druid temple you can still rate the Eagle Mountain higher.

For anyone that has gotten this far thanks for reading.  We'll continue updating this spreadsheet with new buildings or new values when things change like when GB's get updated.  We will not be updating all the values to SASH when it comes out.  

We will be adding all the new buildings and maybe just the top 25-50 non-new buildings going forward.

It's a lot of work and this information will still be available on the site if you want to compare older event buildings.

Thank you and happy forging.

Edited to add:

Finish special production requires 30 fragments.

An Eco Sanctum has a 9.23 value as it gives 145 FP and 215 goods.  We can start factoring in what fragments of selection kits provide as a value and this all gets messy very quickly so here’s what we’re doing at FoEAddicts. 

We are going to start awarding points for finish special production fragments as ignoring that in a value chart makes the chart less accurate.

So if 30 fragments of finish special production can be awarded 9.23 points then one fragment is worth 0.3077 points.

So a jester stage gives three fragments and is awarded 0.9231 points on the chart.

Fragments for mass self aid are more valuable but their value ends at 30 which is what you need for daily use.  So while we considered adding a value in a manor similar to FSP we decided against it as it's purely situational.