New battle strategy of the QI system


We were asked what's the big deal about garrisons coming back?  It means everything to players that do not have QI boosts in their city.  Let me explain.

When your team clears the red and blue garrison EVERY member of your guild get's a 50% bonus per garrison.  That means every member gets a total of 100% red and blue attack and attack defense for the rest of that map.

Now for a lot of people with 400-500 % attack bonus that's no big deal because the fighting is easy anyways.  Ok so for the fighters especially on lower level maps it isn't a game changer.  But for the people that donate it means everything.  It means they can fight to map 5,6,7 without building decorations in city.  Sure they will take more loss than the fighters but after the fighters clear the garrison your donators can fight.

So what's the new strategy?
Fighters fight, nothing changes.  You will no longer be slowed down waiting for the red or blue team to clear their nodes and you can completely ignore donation nodes so your QI has become easier.

For donators you wait until garrisons are taken.  Then you fight what you can including the farming nodes after the bosses.

You DO NOT donate anything until after your settlement is built-up on day 7 or however long it takes you to make 400k coin/supply per harvest.

Yes you heard that correctly.  When you donate the resources (or goods or troops you made with resources) are gone forever.  When you donate it slows down the building progress of your settlement.  The new strategy is to let the fighters give you boosts and fight QI with that boost while building the settlement.  Once the settlement is built then you can be a donator again.

What does it mean to have a settlement built?  It means you make enough per harvest to use all of your quantum actions in one shot at a donation node.