Guild Expedition Trials is finally here. It starts on Beta Server on Jan 28, 2025


If you've been reading this site over the last two years or Crash Cart's old blog before we took it over we've been talking about GE changes for years and it's finally here.  Well the first part is anyways there's more to come.

To make it easy what used to be known as levels will now be called trials.  Expect to see trials/levels mixed interchangeably for a while as we get used to it.  

The first thing you do as a player is select your difficulty level.  Easier, same as we have now or harder.  The harder it is the better prizes.  Once you select the difficulty level then you cannot change it until the next GE.  Are we really going to call this GET?  So once you lock-in that week you can't change.  That may mean you select the easy one when a rival quest is on especially if there are a lot of negotiations.

The first three levels/trials will be unlocked for all players and have to be completed before opening further levels.  Right now we will have five levels and eventually there will be fifteen levels/trials.

All the levels will be mixed blue and red fighting.  

Level/trial 3 will have the difficulty of what level 5 is right now.  The difficulty is scaled by age and the image at the top of this page shows the recommended fight boosts for that level/trial.

As the level/trial gets higher the rewards are better.  Also the enemy boosts are higher, the negotiation resource costs are higher, the costs to build fortifications increase but the boosts they give increase as well, you get more contribution points and the guild goods to open the levels increase.

For people that negotiate special goods from your age and below will be required.

The fortifications we're familiar with and most of us ignore on GElv5 will now be available from trial two and upwards with some changes.

Eagle Warrior Temple increases attack of red and blue

Jaguar Warrior Temple increases defense of red and blue

Great Warrior Temple increases attack and defense of both red and blue

Twin Serpent Temple switches red to blue or blue to red if you're maxed at one but can continue with the other in an unbalanced city.

Similar to GElv5 not all fortifications are available on all nodes.

We have asked for clarification on this next issue and haven't received a response so I'll lay it out here.

Right now the first guild to complete all encounters of GE wins even if there is a tie for both the existing GE and for the GE Trials.  From what we understand guilds that select the hard mode will have increased guild contribution points.  Right now that doesn't affect ranking as it's the first guild to complete.  But if one guild does all easy mode and the other does all hard mode with much more contribution points then wouldn't it make sense to reward the hard mode guild?  As of right now that won't be happening.

So now the huge question of everyone that is still building their diamond farms.  Will  Fountains of Youth be included in the new GE Trials?  Yes but instead of a FoY and a shrink kit as two items it will now just be a shrunken FoY.

Terrace Farms are getting a silver and golden upgrade and for those of us advocating shrinking existing building and GB's it has begun.  The golden terrace farm has shrunk.

Silver Terrace Farm

  • 4x5 requires road
  • 30% red attack and defense
  • 47% red attack and defense GbG
  • 60% blue attack and defense
  • 102% blue attack and defense GbG
  • +50 QI recharge cycle
  • gives 111 - 1344 pop
  • production building and 24hr production is 90 FP
  • as it cannot be protected by motivation or polish expect snipers to target it

Gold Terrace Farm

  • shrunk to 3x4 still requires road
  • 35% red attack and defense
  • 55% red attack and defense GbG
  • 70% blue attack and defense
  • 120% blue attack and defense GbG
  • +100 QI recharge cycle
  • gives 241 - 2912 pop

  • production building and 24hr production is 110 FP
  • as it cannot be protected by motivation or polish expect snipers to target it

Feathered Serpent Statue is also getting a silver and gold upgrade

Silver Serpent Statue

  • 3x2 requires road
  • 80% red attack and defense
  • gives 5 pop
  • 2400 - 176110 coins
  • 35 FP

Gold Serpent Statue

  • 3x2 requires road
  • 95% red attack and defense
  • gives 5 pop
  • 4800 - 352230  coins
  • 55 FP

Feathered Serpent Fins are getting a silver and gold upgrade

Silver Serpent Fins

  • 2x2 no road required
  • 30% red attack and defense
  • gives 310 - 4370 happiness

Golden Serpent Fins

  • 2x2 no road required

  • 40% red attack and defense
  • gives 350 - 4910 happiness

Feathered Serpent Spikes are getting silver and gold upgrades

Silver Serpent Spikes

  • 2x2 no road required
  • 30% blue attack and defense
  • gives 310 - 4370 happiness

Golden Serpent spikes

  • 2x2 no road required
  • 40% blue attack and defense
  • gives 350 - 4910 happiness

Feathered Serpent Feathers (yes that's the name.  You probably didn't know because nobody puts it in city) well they're getting silver and gold upgrades too and still won't be put in city.

Silver Serpent Feathers

  • 2x2 no road required
  • 50 same age goods
  • gives 310 - 4370 happiness

Golden Serpent Feathers

  • 2x2 no road required
  • 70 same age goods
  • gives 350 - 4910 happiness

The updated sortable spreadsheet that includes all these new buildings is here.
If you go to the value tab instead of the tab that lists them all in alphabetical order you will see just how high this golden terrace farm ranks.

On a per tile including road scale it ranks higher than a lv 100 Centaurus GB and just below a lv2 Glimmdrake Tower.  In other words the terrace farm went from antique dealer trash to very valuable.

Update Jan 26, 2025
Note:  Some changes from the publication of this blog to when the announcement came out and it went live on Beta.

Fountain of youth and shrink kits are still in trials 3-6
Shrunken fountain of youth is in trials 4-6
forgotten temple fragments are in trials 3-6
seems diamonds have been nerfed and so far (again this is all new) only on platform 64
There are 25 trials not 15 as stated above
We're still getting a wild variance of prizes and rewards and we're only at trial 3 so who knows what trial 25 will be like.
After completing trial 3 I was able to get enough fragments to get a forgotten temple in 4 weeks.
We can't get a straight answer on diamonds in anything other than platform 64
Medal cost has not changed
Trial level is player based not guild based.  So when player completes a trial level the next two levels open up.  If that player changes guilds that has no effect on what trial level the player can open next time.  In other words if you guild hop it does not reset.