Sortable spreadsheet with every building in the game including St Patty's day 2025

click here for spreadsheet

This is spreadsheet is accurate as of January 21, 2025 and includes all the new GbG, QI and event buildings in the St. Patrick's Day Event.

As of right now we're listing the buildings that house allies and since the rarity is escalating we're including which ones house allies above the common level.

We're sticking with devalued value of goods and may devalue it further.  

We're sticking with GE specific bonus on par with GbG.  All four of us find GE boosts useless but will wait for the new GE system where we pick difficulty levels to see what changes need to be made in the value sheet.

As always you can download the spreadsheet and just use the first sheet that has the data in alphabetical order and sort by whatever values you feel suits your game.  

One suggestion we're taking seriously is to take GE boosts and divide by 100 and take QI boosts and multiply by 100 to better reflect their values in the game.  The reason that hasn't happened is because we're getting more QI boost buildings and as scarcity decreases so does their value.  Right now three of us can auto battle QI map 8 without adding decorations to our settlement and the other can do map 7.  Some player in our guilds can fight map 9 without decorations.  So when we add decorations our fight boosts are above 1000 so the only limitation in QI is the quantum actions.  So one could argue that the QA boosts are more valuable than the fight boosts.