Wildlife Event on Live servers

For long-time players this event will be very familiar.  

The "Candy Crush" mechanic is the same as previous years with a bit of a twist.  

Event Currencies:

Wildlife Coins earned by daily login, quests, incidents and cash shop.  

Tickets to open boards.  You start with 4 tickets and if there are less than 4 tickets in your ticket bar then you will get a new one every 8 hrs.  Once the ticket bar is full you stop accumulating tickets so don't let it get full.

Pop blocks to move paws down.  Make chests when you pop 5 or more boxes at once.  20 boxes gets you the largest chest so trying to match more than 20 is a waste.  Frankly making chests is itself a waste if there are paws on the board.  The goal is to get as many paws as possible and making chests is just something that happens along the way.  

While tickets are what you use to open boards; the wildlife coins are what you use to buy boosters.

The boosters have reverted back to what they used to be.

  • Hammer-removes 1 block.  Only use to get paws not chests
  • Leafy line- removes an entire horizontal line.  This is great when you have a bunch of prizes one step away from the bottom and none of the neighboring blocks match.
  • Lightning - removes all blocks of a color.  This is primarily used during the Rival quests to make chests of a certain color.

Only buy the larger packs when buying boosts.

Each level gives 25 moves and you can buy 5 more moves.  Don't do this unless you can get 2 or more paws for sure with 5 more moves.

New this year is "Ticket Multiplier"

Inno recognizes that this event is more time demanding than other events so the Ticket Multiplier is their solution.  How does this work?  Well instead of using one ticket to open a board you can use two or three.  You play the board as per normal but you double or triple the prizes and quest line progression.  Essentially the board you play will be doubled or tripled but so will the amount of boosters used.  

The golden ticket is back which allows you to play as many boards as you want in a 5 min time limit.  Some people do really well with this golden ticket and some only do 2-3 boards.  One strategy is to make sure you start a fresh board before the timer runs out.  You can then finish that board at your leisure.  

There will be two rival challenges for this event.  These rival challenges will require you use a lot of tickets so here is a strategy you may want to use.

Do not rush the rush quests.  Only do the rush quests until it gives a ticket as a reward then stop.  When rival starts you can claim that when all the tickets in your bar are gone.  Then continue to do rush quests until you get another ticket prize and stop meaning it is left unclaimed.

Do not claim the tickets earned on the grand prize progress bar until you need them.

You can also prime the boards so when Rivals start you have one board open with 25 moves remaining and three tickets in your ticket bar with the fourth coming in right after Rival starts.  That gives you five tickets  (4 on the board and one open) plus however many you have on the grand prize bar.


Grand Prize is Shika Shrine lv9, silver is Momiji Shrine, gold is Momiji Dori Shrine

For anyone familiar with Kyoto here is a photo.  The building is also spelled incorrectly in game.  Lastly this should have been an autumn building as the fall colors is what brings the tourists in.

at night with the lights in fall

without lights

9 base levels plus silver and golden upgrades for 11 total levels.  The level 9 makes the silver and the silver makes the gold so we're only going to talk about that.

Momijidori Shrine

lv 11

8x3 requires road

  • 56-77% blue attack and attack defense
  • 34-55%  blue attack and attack defense GbG
  • 54-75% blue attack and attack defense GE
  • 720 - 47,650 population
  • 2,950 - 71,460 happiness
  • 3,780 - 270,130 supplies
  • 3 frag of Zen Harmony selection kits

random 1:

  • 10% 508 prev age goods
  • 40% 128 prev age goods
  • 40% 128 next age goods
  • 10% 508 next age goods

random 2:

  • 90% large FP pack
  • 10% 40x large FP pack

Read that as 49 FP/day

Available in Silver Event Pass

Koi Pond production building.  All production times can be sped up with supply boosts

  • 2x3 no road required
  • 7-18% blue attack and defense
  • 10-21% blue attack and defense GbG
  • Costs population 290 - 19,220

Ascended Koi Pond (30 days)

  • 2x3 no road required
  • 12% red attack QI
  • 16-37% blue attack and attack defense
  • 22-43% blue attack and attack defense GbG
  • 4% coin and supply boost
  • 20,000 Quantum coins and supplies at incursion start

  • Costs population 290 - 19,220

Available in Gold event pass:

Usagi Bonbori Gate

  • 3x1 no road required
  • 1-12% red attack GbG
  • 1-12% red attack and attack defense
  • 4-15%  red attack and attack defense GE
  • Costs population 100 - 6,410
  • 3 frag finish goods production

Random Production:

  • 88% 5 goods
  • 11% 50 goods
  • 1% 500 goods

Gold League prize

Inari Grand Shrine

  • 3x5 no road required
  • 90% blue attack and attack defense
  • 120% blue attack and attack defense GbG
  • 25% blue attack and attack defense QI
  • gives 9,930 happiness
  • 105 FP
  • 135 goods
  • 900 guild goods
  • 20 fragments of Momijidori Shrine Golden selection kit

Mountain Reserve gets an upgrade

The 7th level of the base mountain reserve has three options when going level 6-7

Those three options will now have a golden upgrade

Serene Moose Mountain

  • 4x6 requires road
  • 15% red and blue attack for QI
  • 200 QA per recharge
  • 44-104% coin boost
  • 44-107% supply boost
  • gives 830 - 55,520 population
  • gives 3,440 - 83,270 happiness
  • 4,020 - 705,470 coins
  • 3,860 - 275,430 supplies
  • 310-28,690 medals
  • 130 FP
  • 130 goods of your age
  • 130 goods of prev age
  • 260 guild goods

Serene Bear Mountain

  • 4x6 requires road
  • 44-107% blue attack and attack defense
  • 44-107% blue attack and attack defense GbG
  • 15% blue attack and attack defense QI
  • 200 QA per recharge
  • gives 420 - 27,760 population
  • gives 1,720 - 41,630 happiness
  • 30 - 2,870 medals
  • 26 FP
  • 52 goods

Serene Eagle Mountain

  • 44-107% red attack and attack defense
  • 44-107% red attack and attack defense GbG
  • 15%  red attack and attack defense QI
  • 200 QA per recharge
  • gives 420 - 27,760 population
  • gives 1,720 - 41,630 happiness
  • 30 - 2,870 medals
  • 26 FP
  • 52 goods

Eternal Market - Noble Horizon upgrade

  • 6x6 no road required
  • 180% red and blue attack
  • gives 1,600 - 106,770 population
  • 180 FP
  • 180 goods
  • 360 prev age goods

Rush Quests:

  1. gather goods
  2. build 5 decorations your age OR 6 the prev age
  3. pay coins
  4. 1hr productions
  5. gather goods OR donate goods, AND pay supplies
  6. recruit 1 unit of your age OR 2 the prev age, AND gather supplies
  7. defeat units OR solve moderate neg, AND gain happiness
  8. 5 min productions, AND pay coins
  9. 3 culture building your age OR 4 prev age, AND gather supplies
  10.  gather OR donate goods, make people enthusiastic
  11. 2 boosts in tavern OR build 2 production buildings, AND collect 2 incidents
  12. 2 items AD OR solve any quest, AND pay goods
  13. buy 5 FP OR solve moderate neg, AND gather coins
  14. collect 750 tavern silver OR win X battles, AND 4hr productions
  15. defeat small army OR solve moderate neg, AND gain population
  16. recruit units your age OR gather goods
  17. pay supplies AND coins
  18. spend FP AND gather supplies
  19. build production buildings from your age OR prev age, AND 1hr productions
  20. motivate/polish buildings AND pay supplies
  21. pay coins AND gather goods
  22. buy FP OR collect X tavern silver
  23. visit taverns OR collect incidents, AND gather coins
  24. complete x encounters by fighting OR gather goods, AND complete x encounters by neg OR buy FP
  25. collect incidents OR exchange items in AD
  26. solve complex neg OR win x battles, AND pay supplies
  27. recruit units of your age OR age bellow, AND pay coin
  28. build goods building your age OR age bellow
  29. complete x encounters without losing OR solve moderate neg, AND pay coins
  30. exchange x items in AD OR 4 hr productions, AND spend FP....end of rush quests.
  31. win x battles OR solve moderate neg, AND pay supplies
  32. buy FP, AND build culture building(s) from your age or bellow
  33. motivate/polish OR pay goods, AND gather goods
  34. collect incidents OR infiltrate sectors, AND pay supplies
  35. spend FP - might have been another option if you don't want to spend FP but it auto completed while I was using 2.0 thread and didn't see the other option
  36. build goods buildings OR gather goods, AND 15 min productions
  37. recruit units of your age or age bellow, AND gather coins
  38. defeat medium army OR moderate neg
  39. 2 items in AD OR defeat small army, AND build decorations of your age or age bellow
  40. contribute FP to GB OR gain happiness, AND 1 hr productions
  41. collect tavern silver OR solve complex neg, AND gather coins
  42. x productions from your age OR X+ from the age bellow, AND gather goods
  43. pay goods AND 15 min productions
  44. first difficulty in GE OR win 8 battles
  45. collect incidents OR 4 hr productions, AND spend FP
  46. build culture building (s), AND 1 hr productions
  47. 2 boosts in tavern OR win x battles, AND pay coins
  48. acquire 3 sectors OR defeat x units
Daily quests ended with 2+days remaining in event
Changes from Beta to live server:
-Reduction in wildlife coins from quests
-Event pass (don't buy event pass) a step has been added at 450 paws which moved all rewards down
-The Golden Mountain Reserve Selection Kit was moved down one step.  I guess too many people got that for free so a fix was needed

Rival Challenges:  there are two and the quests will be listed after they appear on the Japan server.

Changes in Rivals that we know of already:

- Boosters received as prizes have been reduced.  Coupled with the above reduction in coins they really want you to spend diamonds on boosts.  Confirmed for both rivals.

-The difficulty for both rivals has been increased.  People on Beta should not have completed either of them to make it easy for live server players.

-Fragments for Eternal Market has decreased from 1200 to 1000

Rival Challenge One: From Beta so expect changes

  1. collect 2 paws AND complete 2 encounters in GE by fighting OR neg