St Patrick's Event 2025 Live Server Feb 20 to March 13


Event starts on Beta Jan 21 and runs until Feb 11, 2025
Live server Feb 20 to March 13

The event mechanics and strategy is the same as always so we're just going to talk about the prizes.

Main building is a nine level Celtic Goldsmith.  That lv9 then makes the silver upgrade which then makes the gold upgrade so we're only listing that building.

Fabled Celtic Goldsmith

  • lv 11
  • 4x5 and requires road
  • houses a rare historical ally
  • 69-111 red defense
  • 22-43 red attack and attack defense for GbG
  • 46-67 blue attack and defense
  • gain 530 - 35240 pop
  • gain 2910 - 70460 happiness
  • gain 3470 - 584990 coin
  • 3 fragments of whispering fields selection kit
  • random production
  • 70% 121 FP
  • 25% 143 FP
  • 5% 231 FP
  • read that as an average of 132 FP

Blueberry Field

  • 3x2 no road required
  • 14-24 blue attack boost
  • 14-24 blue attack and defense GbG
  • 21 FP
  • 9 random next age units
  • Costs 190 - 12810 population

Ascended Blueberry Field

  • 3x2 no road required
  • will decay after 30 days
  • 28-49 blue attack
  • 28-49 blue attack and defense GbG
  • 5 Q units at incursion start
  • 42 FP
  • 18 random next age units
  • Costs 190 - 12810

Whispering Well

  • 3x3 no road required
  • 40 goods your age
  • 40 goods previous age
  • 40 goods next age
  • 80 guild goods
  • Costs 290 - 19220

Ascended Whispering Well

  • 3x3 no road required
  • will decay after 30 days

  • 80 goods your age
  • 80 goods previous age
  • 80 goods next age
  • 160 guild goods
  • gives 4% coin and supply in QI
  • gives 10 Q goods at incursion start
  • Costs 290 - 19220

Shamrock Garden of Luck

gold league reward

this event brings out the whales so best to extend your credit limit and this building is really good

  • 4x5 no road required
  • 222% red and blue attack and defense GbG
  • 25% red and blue attack and defense QI
  • 180 FP
  • 20 fragments of Lucky Celtic Goldsmith Golden selection kit

Clover Keep Ruin

lv 1

  • 4x4 no road required
  • 5-8 red and blue attack and defense
  • 14-24  red and blue attack and defense GbG
  • 11-16 red and blue attack and defense GE
  • gives 1770 - 42700 happiness
  • 40 FP
  • 14 fragments of finish special production or finish goods production

lv 2

  • 4x4 no road required
  • 11-16 red and blue attack and defense
  • 28-49 red and blue attack and defense GbG
  • 22-32 red and blue attack and defense GE
  • gives 2530 - 85400 happiness
  • 80 FP
  • 21 fragments of finish special production or finish goods production
  • 20000 quantum coins and supply at incursion start

The Celtic farmstead is getting three new levels.

So you get the original to lv 10 then the three levels after that

Enchanted Celtic Farmstead lv 11

  • 5x6 road required
  • 10% red attack QI
  • 16 - 45% red attack and defense
  • 36 - 65% red attack and defense GbG
  • gives 520 - 34700 pop
  • gives 2150 - 52040 happiness
  • 2010 - 352730 coins
  • 150 guild goods
  • 60 FP
  • 100 goods

Mystic Celtic Farmstead lv 12

  • 5x6 road required
  • 20% red attack QI
  • 26 - 55% red attack and defense
  • 51 80% red attack and defense GbG
  • gives 780 - 52050 pop
  • gives 3230 - 78070 happiness
  • 2510 - 440920 coins
  • 200 guild goods
  • 75 FP
  • 135 goods

Sacred Celtic Farmstead

  • 5x6 road required
  • Historical Allies Common Room
  • 30% red attack QI
  • 36 - 65 % red attack and defense
  • 66 - 95 % red attack and defense GbG
  • gives 1040 - 69400 pop
  • gives 4300 - 104090 happiness
  • 3010 - 529100 coins
  • 250 guild goods
  • 90 FP
  • 170 goods

Two new historical allies

The base stats aren't great but we'll be able to level these two up

Alexander the Great lv 1 Rare

  • 25% red attack
  • 25% red attack GE
  • 25% red attack and defense GbG

Arminius lv1 Rare

  • 25% red attack and defense GbG
  • 25% red defense GbG
  • 25% red attack GbG

So why not just post 50% red attack and defense GbG?  Because as it levels up each of the three stat lines will increase independently from the other ones.

As an FYI on beta people needed to complete about 28 towns in 21 days to get into the 1% gold league.  That is not possible without purchasing additional event currency (pots).  The average top 1% player spent about 8k diamonds and those were very good players who spent wisely.  The whales spent a lot more to hire lv5 managers to complete towns fast.  This is one of those events where it's best to go no diamonds or go really big.  Don't be a guppy in this event by buying a little.  Go big or play for free.

35 rush quests and 21 daily quests with 2 rival challenges March 3rd and March 10th.


  1. pay coins
  2. spend FP
  3. build 5 decorations
  4. defeat small army OR solve simple neg
  5. collect goods OR donate to treasury
  6. buy FP
  7. 5 min productions AND collect coins
  8. collect goods OR donate treasury
  9. 4 hr productions and collect coins
  10. defeat med army OR solve complex neg
  11. build cultural building of your age OR 2 the age below And 5 min productions
  12. collect goods OR donate to treasury
  13. defeat small army OR solve moderate neg AND spend FP
  14. build 3 residential buildings of your age OR collect supplies
  15. 3 incidents OR trade 2 items in AD
  16. 2 boosts in friend tavern OR win X fights
  17. build 1 production facility of your age OR 2 age bellow AND gain X happiness
  18. 8 hr productions AND collect supplies
  19. conquer 2 sectors on continent map by fight or neg OR 24 hr productions (will auto complete if your map is done)
  20. build 2 residential buildings of your age OR 3 age bellow (for space age players you can do this in colony)
  21. trade 4 items in AD OR 4 hr productions
  22. win X battles without losing OR donate treasury
  23. pay goods of your age or some more the age below
  24. 4 hr productions
  25. spend 400 tavern silver OR infiltrate 3 sectors AND pay coins (will auto complete if map done)
  26. build 2 residential buildings from your age OR collect supplies
  27. gain happiness AND spend FP
  28. win X battles without losing OR gain happiness AND 15 min productions
  29. 18 productions of your age or 20 productions the age below AND collect supplies
  30. trade 4 items in AD OR 8 hr productions AND spend FP
  31. collect 5 incidents OR contribute X FP to GB's
  32. collect goods OR donate to treasury
  33. defeat X units OR solve complex neg
  34. 8 hr productions AND collect goods
  35. visit 20 friend tavern OR polish/motivate 50 players AND spend FP.......end of rush quests
  36. collect supplies AND coins
  37. visit 15 friend tavern OR motivate/polish 50 buildings AND increase pop
  38. build 3 residential buildings of your age OR 4 the age below AND spend FP
  39. defeat small army OR solve moderate neg AND 15 min productions
  40. build production of your age or 2 the age below AND pay supplies
  41. complete the first level of GE OR defeat great army
  42. spend FP AND collect supplies
  43. build goods building of your age OR collect goods AND 15 min productions
  44. conquer 3 sectors on continent map by fight or neg, OR solve complex neg (will auto complete if map is done) AND pay supplies
  45. 1 hr productions AND make population enthusiastic
  46. defeat med army OR solve complex neg
  47. trade 2 items in AD OR defeat small army AND build 5 decorations your age OR 6 age below
  48. win x battles in a row OR gain happiness AND 8 hr productions
  49. collect 750 tavern silver OR win x battles without losing AND collect coins
  50. 15 productions of your age OR 18 productions the age below
  51. collect 3 incidents OR infiltrate 2 sectors (will auto complete if map is done) AND pay supplies
  52. collect goods OR donate to treasury
  53. conquer 3 sectors OR defeat x units (will auto complete if map is done)
  54. build cultural building of your age OR 2 the age below AND 1 hr productions
  55. 2 boosts in friends tavern OR win x fights without losing AND pay coins
  56. 10 productions of your age OR 12 the age below AND collect goods
end of all quests

Rival Quests are highly recommended as they give many special boosts for the event.  When a quest says upgrade manager to level X it will auto upgrade if you already have a manager at that level.  You do not have to upgrade another manager to satisfy the quest.  The following quests are from Beta and they may change before they go to live server.  One of us will complete the rivals on the Japan server and post the changes here before it goes live in other parts of the world.

Tasks Rival one

  1. complete 1 task
  2. upgrade manager to lv 2
  3. pay 50 goods
  4. use time skip once
  5. 5 min productions
  6. win 12 fights in a row OR solve 4 neg without losing
  7. upgrade manager to lv 3
  8. complete 3 tasks......get 50 frag eternal market selection kit
  9. contribute 100 FP to GB
  10. use time skip once
  11. buy 5 FP
  12. upgrade shipyard overseer to lv 3
  13. complete ten 15 min productions
  14. win 18 fights or solve 6 neg without losing
  15. use time skip once
  16. complete 5 tasks
  17. recruit 5 units from your age
  18. upgrade manager to lv 4
  19. pay 50 goods
  20. use time skip twice
  21. complete 15 1 hr productions
  22. win 24 fights or 8 neg without losing
  23. upgrade overseer to lv 4
  24. complete 7 tasks.....get a sublime blueberry field
  25. pay 200 goods
  26. use time skip twice
  27. recruit 5 units from prev age
  28. upgrade manager to lv 5
  29. complete 20 4 hr productions of your age OR 25 4 hr productions the age below
  30. win 30 fights or solve 10 neg without losing
  31. use time skip four times
  32. complete 9 tasks AND one 4 hr goods production....get 150 eternal market selection kit

There are a total of 25 tasks that have to be completed.  While that can be done on a single town there's no problem with spreading this over two towns.  So if the rival starts and you're waiting a long time to finish your town don't worry about it.  There's lots of time just finish as you normally would.
When you start your town for the rival just make your overseer a lv 5.  That will auto complete all six manager quests.
There are 84 fight quests which are easily completed with GE, neighbors and PVP.
There's only one goods production and that's of any age but it's 4 hrs so space age players will need a goods production building in city.
There are only two recruit troops quests one of current age and one the age below so this should be easy for everyone now.  For people that have not kept an event building that makes troops one age below then just remove current age barracks, plant a barrack from the prev age then collect from Traz or SW.

Second Rival
  1. complete 1 task AND pay 50 goods
  2. complete 1 task AND contribute FP to a GB
  3. complete 1 task AND recruit 10 units of your age
  4. upgrade manager to lv 3 AND upgrade hat overseer to lv 3
  5. complete 1 task AND ten 8 hr productions
  6. complete 1 task AND win 10 battles without losing
  7. complete 1 task AND solve 6 neg without losing OR donate 2000 goods of your age to treasury (don't be a jerk just donate to your guild's treasury)
  8. use one 4 hr time skip or four 2 hr time skip (pay pots for the 4 hr) AND complete one 4 hr goods production....get 100 eternal market selection kit fragments
  9. complete 1 task AND pay 200 goods
  10. complete 1 task AND buy 5 FP
  11. complete 2 tasks AND recruit 20 units of your age
  12. upgrade flower factory overseer to lv 4 AND upgrade cake factory overseer to lv 4
  13. complete 2 tasks AND complete fifteen 8 hr productions of your age
  14. complete 2 tasks AND win 15 battles in a row without losing
  15. complete 2 tasks AND solve 8 neg without losing OR donate 3500 goods of your age to treasury
  16. use 4 hr time skip once OR 2 hr time skip four times (pay pots to use 4 hr) AND 4 hr GOODS production twice
  17. complete 2 tasks AND pay 100 goods
  18. complete 2 tasks AND contribute 400 FP in a GB
  19. complete 3 tasks AND recruit 5 previous age units
  20. upgrade beverage factory to lv 4 AND fireworks factory to lv 4
  21. complete 3 tasks AND 24 hr productions twenty times
  22. complete 3 tasks AND win 20 battles without losing
  23. complete 3 tasks AND solve 10 neg without losing OR donate 5000 current age goods to treasury
  24. use 8 hr time skip once OR 2 hr time skip eight times (buy 8 hr with pots) AND 8 hr GOODS production three times....get sublime whispering fountain
  25. complete 3 tasks AND pay 400 goods from prev age
  26. complete 3 tasks AND buy 10 FP
  27. complete 3 tasks AND recruit 10 previous age units
  28. upgrade feast overseer AND shipyard overseer to level 5
  29. complete 3 tasks AND 24 hr productions of your age 25 times
  30. complete 3 tasks AND win 25 battles without losing
  31. complete 3 tasks AND solve 12 neg without losing OR donate 6500 goods of your age to treasury
  32. use 8 hr time skip once OR 2 hr time skip eight times (pay pots for 8 hr) AND complete 8 hr GOODS production four times....200 eternal market selection kit fragments

It will require 50 tasks to complete this rival so obviously you'll need to work this with at least two towns.  We'd suggest three towns.

If you are on town 1 variant you need to have hat manager on level 3 anyways so quest 4 is easy.  If you're not on town 1 variant then you'll unfortunately need to waste pots on an upgrade you don't need.  

After 10 tasks you need to have flower and cake managers on lv 4 with a 4 hr time skip preceding it on quest 12.

13 tasks after that (23 total) you need to have beverage and fireworks factory at lv 4 with another 4 hr time skip preceding it.

You then have 18 tasks (41 total) with one 8 hr time skip preceding the task that requires feast and shipyard overseer to level 5.  

That is why we suggest starting a new town before task 12 so you can take advantage of all the high level managers in one very fast town.  It would look as follows.

Feast 5
shipyard 5
hat 1 on variant 2 and 3, 3 on variant 1
flower 4
cake 4
drink 4
firework 4

So starting a new city on task 12 will get you through tasks very quickly and make this rival as easy as possible.  You can then mop-up the remain tasks on the next town in a matter of minutes using the normal manager set-ups.

There are four recruit unit quests.  Two of your age and two the prev age.

There a four goods quests of any age.

There are four production quests and two are your age.
There are 70 fights total and remember if you lose you reset the count.  Remember you can hit your neighbors twice as the rival lasts 2 days.

You will have to have pots available to buy time skips so save your event currency or just buy more.