Embargo until June 26, 2024
Fall Event 2024 Beta but the live version should be the same. Corrected some quests and rewards. Now all rush quests, daily quests and both rival quests are accurate for live server.
This is the candy crush mechanic we all know by now. You have a spoon bar that accumulates a wooden spoon every 8hrs until you have 4 in the spoon bar then it stops. So the best strategy is to use at least 3 spoons a day until there is a daily prize you like.
You can prime the board so that your 4th spoon is awarded right after reset. You can also start a board without playing it so effectively you have 5 free boards at reset so you can go after the prize you like and then play two more boards (after 8 and 16 hours) to get a total of 7 free board's for that one day.
That is also how we recommend playing the rival quest which start on the Tuesday of the second and third weeks of this three week event.
Main event building has 11 levels. Harvest Squirrel Hall lv9, then silver upgrade to Bountiful Squirrel Hall and then golden upgrades to Regal Squirrel Hall. The lv9 makes silver upgrades and the silver upgrade makes the gold upgrade so we're counting this as 11 level 6x5 main building and requires road.
- 100-200% blue defense
- 120-130 blue attack
- 640 - 40.000 population
- 3.970 - 90.000 happiness
- 110 goods
- 90-100 FP
- random production
- 40% 8 blueprints
- 40% 5 fragments of mass self-aid kit
- 20% 5 fragments of renovation kit
- second random production
- 20% 3 fragments of finish special production
- 30% 3 fragments of finish goods production
- 50% 5 fragments of one-up kit
- 8-10% red attack and defense
- 6-8% red defense
- 170 - 10.500 population
- 1.160 - 26.500 happiness
- 460 - 75.000 coins
- 20 guild goods
- random production
- 50% 3 blueprints
- 30% 5 fragments of finish all supply productions
- 20% 3 fragments of one-up kit
- 12-16% red attack and defense
- 10-14% red defense
- 170 - 10.500 population
- 1.160 - 26.500 happiness
- 930 - 150.000 coins
- 40 guild goods
- random production
- 20% 6 blueprints
- 30% 10 fragments of finish all supply productions
- 50% 5 fragments of one-up kit
Obtained from the gold pass
A third reward building Harvest Hub has the same three levels. Base lv1, lv2 and ascended upgrade that degrades to lv2. ***changed to eliminate lv1
- 10-15% blue attack
- 15-20% blue defense
- 240 - 15.000 population
- 1.540 - 35,000 happiness
- 460 - 75,000 coins
- 10 goods
- 3 fragments of finish all supply production
- 20-30% blue attack
- 20-30% blue defense
- 15-20% blue defense for GE
- 240 - 15.000 population
- 1.540 - 35,000 happiness
- 930 - 150,000 coins
- 20 goods
- Random production
- 30% 10 fragments of finish all supply production
- 20% 6 blueprints
- 50% 5 fragments of reno kit
There will be a top 1% gold league prize that makes fragments for a golden selection kit of the main building called Bovine Gala Barnhouse 4x4 no road required
- 25-50% red attack
- 25% red attack QI
- 30-59% red deffense
- 60-84% red attack and defense
- 2,450 - 165,000 supplies
- 640 - 40.000 population
- 100 goods
- 5 random units
- random production
- 50% 20 fragments of Harvest Squirrel Hall Selection Kit
- 30% 5 fragments of Bountiful Squirrel Hall Silver Uprade Kit
- 20% 5 fragments of Regal Squirrel Hall Golden Upgrade Kit
- Second random production
- 40% 1 fragment of finish special production
- 35% 3 fragments of renovation kit
- 25% 3 fragments of one-up kit
Upgrades for existing buildings:
There is a platinum upgrade for the Autumn Vineyard. At this point it looks like one upgrade may be available in the regular prize line and three more in the gold event pass.
Elite Jumpkin Pumkin 2x2
- 6-11% red attack
- 11-15% red defense
- 10-14% blue attack
- 4-6 FP
- random production
- 50% 6 light units from your age
- 50% 2 light units from next age
- 2-4% red attack
- 3-5% red defense
- 6-9 goods
- 3 fragments of elite jumpin' pumpkin
Sunflower Oil Press gets another upgrade
Pristine Sunflower Oil Press 6x4 requires road
- 33-45% red attack
- 37-47% red defense
- 49-62% red attack and defense
- 37-47% supply production
- 405 - 25.245 population
- 1,890 - 42,880 happiness
- 1,800 - 291,300 coins
- 2,700 - 61,260 supplies
- 100 goods
- 35 FP
- 10 random units
Autumn Vineyard gets another upgrade
Majestic Autumn Vineyard 3x7 requires road
- 50-60% red and blue attack
- 348 - 21,630 population
- 2,220 - 50,172 happiness
- 2,880 - 191,040 supplies
- 2,160 - 356,880 coins
- 30-40 FP
- 120 goods
- 10 higher age blueprints
- random production
- 50% 5 fragments of shroom throne
- 50% 5 fragments of granny aurora's apple tree
- random production
- 50% 3 fragments of royal shroom throne
- 50% 3 fragments of granny aurora's apple blossom
To get you started here are the starting rush quests so people who have not completed continent map can prepare.
On this event it's actually better to not do the rush quest quickly. The better strategy if you have the patience is to only do the quests until you are awarded a wooden spoon then stop and don't collect it.
There are two Rival Quests. The first one in our opinion isn't worth doing but the second one is and you can prime your wooden spoons so you can complete it for free.
So on the day the Rival starts you can prime 7 free boards and then start collecting the spoon prizes from the rush quests to get more.
Rival Quest One
Rival Quest Two
Rush Quests: Green highlighted are quests that can be prepped in advance. There is one rush quest and two daily quests that require same age (or age below) productions. They have been enlarged and easy to see at a glance to make this event super easy.
Quest 1:
Ms Appleton: "Pay some (8,000 - 3,517,200) coins"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 2:
Ms Appleton: "Acquire 2 sectors OR Finish a 24-hour production (?? - 13) times in a production building"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 3:
Ms Appleton: "Spend some (?? - 32) Forge Points"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 4:
Ms Appleton: "Build 2 residential buildings from your age OR Build 3 residential buildings from the previous age" and "Pay some (?? - 4,220,600) coins"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 5:
Ms Appleton: "Build 5 decorations"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 6:
Ms Appleton: "Exchange 4 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish a 4-hour production (?? - 26) times"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 7:
Ms Appleton: "Defeat this very small army OR Solve this simple negotiation"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 8:
Ms Appleton: "Win 5 battles without losing OR Donate some (?? - 270) goods to the guild treasury" and "Buy 5 Forge Points"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 9:
Ms Appleton: "Gather some (?? - 312) goods e.g.from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (?? - 360) goods to the guild treasury" and "Buy 5 Forge Points"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 10:
Ms Appleton: "Pay some (?? - 45) selected[1] goods from your age OR Pay some (?? - 59) selected[2] goods from the previous age"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 11:
Ms Appleton: "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production (?? - 26) times" and "Gather some (?? - 2,400,000) coins"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 12:
Ms Appleton: "Finish a 4-hour production (?? - 26) times in a production building" and "Gather some (?? - 390) goods e.g.from goods buildings or by trading"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 13:
Ms Appleton: "Build 2 residential buildings from your age OR Build 3 residential buildings from the previous age" and "Pay some (?? - 2,520,000) supplies"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 14:
Ms Appleton: "Spend 400 Tavern Silver in the Friends Tavern OR Infiltrate 4 sectors" and "Pay some (?? - 3,517,200) coins"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 15:
Ms Appleton: "Gather some (?? - 312) goods e.g.from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (?? - 320) goods to the guild treasury" and "Make people enthusiastic"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 16:
Ms Appleton: "Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Gather some (?? - 2,200,000) supplies"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 17:
Ms Appleton: "Finish a 4-hour production (?? - 20) times in a production building" and "Gather some (?? - 2,400,000) coins"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 18:
Ms Appleton: "Gain some (?? - 40,000) happiness" and "Spend some (?? - 108) Forge Points"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 19:
Ms Appleton: "Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this complex negotiation" and "Pay some (?? - 3,517,200) coins"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 20:
Ms Appleton: "Win (?? - 8) battles without losing OR Gain some (?? - 80,000) happiness" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production (?? - 20) times"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 21:
Ms Appleton: "Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age" and "In a production building, finish a 5-minute production (?? - 18) times"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 22:
Ms Appleton: "Finish 18 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 20 productions in production buildings from the previous age" and "Gather some (?? - 1,100,000) supplies"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 23:
Ms Appleton: "Gather some (?? - 312) goods e.g.from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (?? - 320) goods to the guild treasury"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 24:
Ms Appleton: "Exchange 3 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR In a production building, finish an 8-hour production (?? - 13) times" and "Spend some (?? - 43) Forge Points"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 25:
Ms Appleton: "Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "Spend some (?? - 54) Forge Points"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 26:
Ms Appleton: "Collect 5 incidents OR Contribute some (?? - 135) Forge Points to Great Buildings"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 27:
Ms Appleton: "Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Gather some (?? - 2,200,000) supplies"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 28:
Ms Appleton: "Gather some (?? - 352) goods e.g.from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (?? - 450) goods to the guild treasury" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production (?? - 20) times"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 29:
Ms Appleton: "Collect 3 incidents OR Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building" and "Gain some (?? - 40,000) happiness"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 30:
Ms Appleton: "Defeat some (?? - 75) units OR Solve this complex negotiation"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 31:
Ms Appleton: "Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Win (?? - 11) battles" and "Pay some (?? - 1,680,000) supplies"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 32:
Ms Appleton: "In a production building, finish an 8-hour production (?? - 16) times" and "Gather some (?? - 390) goods e.g.from goods buildings or by trading"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 33:
Ms Appleton: "Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age" and "Gain some (?? - 40,000) happiness"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour
Quest 34:
Ms Appleton: "Visit 20 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 50 buildings of other players" and "Spend some (?? - 81) Forge Points"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 10 Sacks of Flour and a Portrait 603 Portrait of Pie Pete
Quest 35:
Ms Appleton: "Finish an 8-hour production (?? - 16) times in a production building" and "Gather some (?? - 2,200,000) supplies"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Daily Quests:
Quest 36 (21Sep):
Guoliang: "Gather some (?? - 1,980,000) supplies" and "Gather some (?? - 2,400,000) coins"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 37 (22Sep):
Guoliang: "Visit 20 Friends Taverns OR Motivate or polish 50 buildings of other players" and "Gain some (?? - 21,000) population"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 38 (23Sep):
Guoliang: "Build 3 residential buildings from your age OR Build 4 residential buildings from the previous age" and "Spend some (?? - 54) Forge Points"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 39 (24Sep):
Guoliang: "Defeat this small army OR Solve this moderate negotiation" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production (?? - 20) times"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 40 (25Sep):
Guoliang: "Build 1 production building from your age OR Build 2 production buildings from the previous age" and "Pay some (?? - 2,520,000) supplies"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 41 (26Sep):
Guoliang: "Have the first difficulty in the Guild Expedition solved OR Defeat this large army"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 42 (27Sep):
Guoliang: "Spend some (?? - 65) Forge Points" and "Gather some (?? - 2,400,000) coins"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 43 (28Sep):
Guoliang: "Build 1 goods building from your age OR Gather some (?? - 520) goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading" and "In a production building, finish a 15-minute production (?? - 20) times"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 44 (29Sep):
Guoliang: "Acquire 4 sectors OR Solve this complex negotiation" and "Pay some (?? - 1,680,000) supplies"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 45 (30Sep):
Guoliang: "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production (?? - 26) times" and "Make people enthusiastic"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 46 (01Oct):
Guoliang: "Defeat this medium-sized army OR Solve this complex negotiation"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 47 (02Oct):
Guoliang: "Exchange 2 items in the Antiques Dealer building OR Defeat this small army" and "Build 5 decorations from your age OR Build 6 decorations from the previous age"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 48 (03Oct):
Guoliang: "Win (?? - 8) battles without losing OR Gain some (?? - 80,000) happiness" and "Finish an 8-hour production (?? - 13) times in a production building"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 49 (04Oct):
Guoliang: "Collect 750 Tavern Silver OR Win (?? - 8) battles without losing" and "Gather some (?? - 1,600,000) coins"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 50 (05Oct):
Guoliang: "Finish 10 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 12 productions in production buildings from the previous age" and "Gather some (?? - 312) goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 51 (06Oct):
Guoliang: "Collect 3 incidents OR Infiltrate 2 sectors" and "Pay some (?? - 2,688,000) supplies"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 52 (07Oct):
Guoliang: "Gather some (?? - 468) goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading OR Donate some (?? - 400) goods to the guild treasury" and "Spend some (?? - 81) Forge Points"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 53 (08Oct):
Guoliang: "Acquire 3 sectors OR Defeat some (?? - 100) units"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 54 (09Oct):
Guoliang: "Build 1 culture building from your age OR Build 2 culture buildings from the previous age" and "In a production building, finish a 1-hour production (?? - 14) times"
Reward: Wooden Spoon 1 Wooden Spoon
Quest 55 (10Oct):
Guoliang: "Activate 2 boosts in the Friends Tavern OR Win (?? - 7) battles without losing" and "Pay some (?? - 8,793,000) coins"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour
Quest 56 (11Oct):
Guoliang: "Finish 10 productions in production buildings from your age OR Finish 12 productions in production buildings from the previous age" and "Gather some (?? - 260) goods, e.g. from goods buildings or by trading"
Reward: Sacks of Flour 20 Sacks of Flour and a Portrait 604 Portrait of Doughnat Donna
Daily prizes (not in correct order):
No Icon Name Confirmed
Day 01 500% Att for Att. GBG, 30 min
Day 02 500% Def for Att. GBG, 30 min
Day 03 Archdruid Trees Selection Kit
Day 04 Ascended Earth's Eden Upgrade Kit
Day 05 Ascended Green Guardians Market Upgrade Kit
Day 06 Autumn Vineyard Selection Kit
Day 07 Donkey Enclosure
Day 08 Druid Hut Selection Kit
Day 09 Epic Fall 2024 Selection Kit
Day 10 Epic Soccer 2023 Selection Kit
Day 11 Feta Farm
Day 12 Finish Special Production
Day 13 Golden Goal Gyros
Day 14 Harvest Farm Selection Kit
Day 15 Harvest Hub
Day 16 Knights Pavilion
Day 17 One Up Kit
Day 18 Stage of Ages
Day 19 Sunflower Oil Press Selection Kit
Day 20 Vagabond Library
Day 21 Vibrant Autumn Vineyard Golden Upgrade Kit
Day 22 Vibrant Sunflower Oil Press Golden Upgrade Kit
??? 100% Att for Att. QI, 30 min
??? 100% Att for Att. QI, 30 min
??? Store Building