GE Trials have changed with more changes to come

Here is the announcement of what is changing.  So far all the changes are positive.

GE negotiations are no longer broken as reported here.  

If you have not read up on the new GE Trials you can find all the information here and take in the changes below.

When you read how hard it was and how easy it is now that's not an exaggeration.

Dear Beta Testers, thank you very much for all your feedback and testing you have done for the new Guild Expedition Trials. We are now applying the following changes the the feature and would love to hear what you think. Don't forget to test the changes ingame as well!

 There are now 30 trials available.
 The Army Boosts are no longer as harsh anymore, meaning higher trials are not as hard anymore and the scaling got adjusted.
 Negotiation Costs and Options have also been reduced.
 Random rewards have been adjusted to be more streamline across trials.
 You now need less boosts/goods to get to the new rewards.
 In the overview we now display the total amount of fragments, instead of the possible ones from an encounter.
 Finishing a trial will now unlock the next 3 trials (instead of 2).

Those are all the changes for now. We also plan more changes already, like the introduction of a new window showing all possible rewards for a trial. Please tell us what you like or dislike about those changes in ⁠the feedback thread and do not forget to keep providing feedback on other aspects of the feature!