
New sortable spreadsheet with all buildings in the game as of 3/26/25

 Click here for the spreadsheet There will be a change in the way we evaluate buildings in the “value” column. With the influx of more buildings that provide military units it is no longer hyper-valued as it was previously.   So instead of taking the number of units divide by tiles including roads and multiplying by two we will simply remove that multiplication by two part.   So military units are still valued they are not valued as they were previously. We are also making a change to both population and happiness.   The previous formula was to take the pop or happiness provided in SASH and divide per tile including road and then dividing by 1000.   So every 1k pop (or happiness) per tile would increase the “value” of that building by 1.   We are now dividing by 1.5k instead of 1k. Lastly we removed the columns that were put in so people could plan their cities for niche activities.   For example red GbG fighting only.   The game now uses re...

Viking Event on Beta

Anniversary Event for live server starting on March 25, 2025

Sortable spreadsheet with all buildings in FoE as of March 15, 2025 Includes Beta and the new QI buildings from the 2cnd championship

Second Quantum Incursion Championship starts on Beta March 13 to May 4, 2025

Diamonds in the new GE Trials per level this will be a WIP as the sample size is very small.

GE Trials starting on live server March 4, 2025 Short version

Anniversary Event's New Rival System *** updated with Inno's response at the bottom

Anniversary Event 4th Rival Questline Wednesday

Anniversary Event 3rd Rival Questline

Sortable spreadsheet of all buildings in the game including the Anniversary Event 2025 (event after St Paddy day)

Second Rival Quest for Anniversary Event starting on Monday

Anniversary Event Rival Quest starts on Sunday